I started the quilt titled "Purple Alliums" in a 2016 Empty Spools Seminars class (www.emptyspoolsseminars.com) with Jean Wells Keenan where she taught us how to make an abstract design from a photograph. My photo was of purple allium flowers. I made the second quilt titled "Summer Solstice" after I returned home from the workshop. The design was based on my childhood memories of my mother's summer zinnia gardens. Both quilts measure about 24 inches wide by 26 inches high and are constructed from quilt cottons and designer fabrics. The allium flowers are embroidered with a blanket stitch of red embroidery floss. They are currently on display and for sale at the Bowery Art Gallery & Studio in Apalachicola, FL (www.boweryartgallery.com).
Purple Alliums |
Summer Solstice |